Expatriate health insurance in the United States | Mondassur

We've put together a few tips to help you prepare for your move to the USA and get to grips with everyday life there.

assurance expatrie etats unis

The United States has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They also boast top-quality infrastructures. As a result, prices in both the public and private sectors are extremely varied. As a result, they can be raised in order to access first-rate care. That’s why it’s essential to take out private health insurance for expatriates before you leave. In this way, you can prevent exorbitant medical costs. Indeed, the American healthcare system, while efficient, is also reputed to be the most expensive in the world. Medical expenses can quickly add up, even for routine care. 

Our insurance offers for expatriates in the USA

Expatriate insurance United States Gold Nomad Expat

Our policy with good levels of cover, suitable for your expatriation to the USA.



/ month

Expatriate Insurance United States Gold Expat Access

Economical international health insurance tailored to your expatriation plans.



/ month

Expatriate insurance United States Gold Expat Safe

Health insurance with a good cover/price ratio. It offers effective cover against accident and illness.



/ month

Expatriate insurance United States Gold Expat Premium

Our most comprehensive expatriate health insurance, tailored to your expatriation to the USA.



/ month

Any questions? Need advice?

Some figures on health insurance in the United States

Number of public hospitals 3 510
Number of private hospitals 1 619
Number of doctors per 1,000 patients 3,6

The American healthcare system is recognized as the most expensive in the world. Medical costs are therefore extremely high. This is partly due to the complexity of the system. Without insurance, receiving adequate care without going into debt is almost impossible. So we can see that it’s complicated to get coverage in the United States. Rates are always unaffordable for the uninsured. Unlike in other countries, rates are not negotiable for those without insurance. Consequently, this can lead to very difficult financial situations in the event of illness or accident. Mondassur therefore recommends that you take out expatriate health insurance in the United States to ensure that you are well protected.

Does social security exist in the United States?

Social protection of the kind that exists in Europe does not exist in the United States. The American system is mainly based on private insurance. However, public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid do exist. These are aimed at the elderly and low-income families respectively. For expatriates, these programs are generally inaccessible. This reinforces the need to take out private health insurance before departure. In the absence of universal public coverage, expatriates have to insure themselves. Indeed, you need to be properly covered to avoid exorbitant costs in the event of medical needs. The American healthcare system therefore stands out for its very different approach to social protection. This leaves many people, particularly expatriates, without a safety net in the event of illness or accident. Taking out expatriate health insurance in the USA is a necessity when leaving your current country of residence.

How healthcare costs work in the United States :

The healthcare system is complex and relies heavily on medical insurance in the USA. Healthcare costs can therefore vary considerably depending on location and type of treatment. Expatriates need to understand that, without insurance, costs can be prohibitive. Consultations, hospitalization, medication and emergency care can all be expensive. Private insurers offer different levels of coverage and protection. So you need to choose an insurance policy that covers all your potential medical needs. The reimbursement system is also often complicated. Costs are divided between administrative procedures and processing times. Expatriates therefore need to be well informed and prepare their budget accordingly to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Different scales for health reimbursements :

Understanding the different scales for healthcare reimbursements is complex but crucial for expatriates in the United States. Health insurance plans vary widely, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. So you need to choose the right plan to avoid high medical costs. The main types of plans include :

  • Bronze coverage, 60% covered by private health insurance
  • Silver coverage, 70% paid for by private health insurance
  • Gold coverage, 80% paid for by private health insurance
  • Platinum coverage, 90% paid for by private health insurance

Each plan has different cost structures and coverage levels. This has a direct impact on the reimbursements and healthcare costs you may have to pay out of pocket.

HMO (Health maintenance organization)

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans are known for their relatively low costs and small network of providers. With an HMO, you must choose a primary care physician (PCP) and obtain referrals to see specialists. In addition, out-of-network care is generally not covered, except in emergencies. HMOs offer a coordinated approach to healthcare, which can reduce costs and simplify care management. However, the limited choice of providers can be a drawback for some expatriates. Indeed, some prefer more flexibility in their choice of doctors and hospitals.

PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)

PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans offer greater flexibility when it comes to choosing care providers. Unlike HMOs, PPOs allow you to consult specialists without the need for a referral. They also cover out-of-network care, although costs are higher for the latter. PPO contributions are generally higher. However, they do offer greater freedom, which can be beneficial for expatriates who want wider access to medical services. PPOs are ideal for those who travel frequently or prefer to have a wide range of healthcare options.

HDHP (High Deductible Health Plan)

HDHPs (High Deductible Health Plans), on the other hand, are plans with high deductibles and lower monthly premiums. These plans are often combined with health savings accounts (HSAs). These allow you to put money aside in case you fall ill in the U.S., with tax benefits. HDHPs are suitable for young, healthy expatriates who don’t need frequent medical care, but want to be covered for unexpected major expenses. Nevertheless, high up-front costs can be an obstacle for those who require regular medical care or have pre-existing conditions.

POS (Point of Service)

POS (Point of Service) plans combine HMO and PPO features. They require you to choose a primary care physician and obtain referrals to specialists. However, POS also covers out-of-network care, but at higher costs. SOPs offer a degree of flexibility while keeping costs relatively under control. As a result, this can be a good compromise for expatriates looking to balance cost and freedom of choice.

EPO (Exclusive Provider Organization)

Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans are similar to PPOs, but with an additional restriction. In fact, they do not offer coverage for out-of-network care, except in emergencies. EPO allows you to consult specialists without the need for referrals, as long as these specialists are in the EPO network. Members of this network should be aware that they will have no coverage for care received outside the network. EPOs are ideal for expatriates who are prepared to limit their choice of providers. But the advantage lies in the (potentially lower) costs, as well as the flexibility of seeing specialists without a referral.

Obamacare (ACA), what about it?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, was put in place to make health insurance more accessible and affordable in the United States. The ACA imposes minimum coverage standards for health plans. It also offers income-based subsidies to help pay premiums. However, expatriates’ eligibility for these subsidies may depend on their tax status and residence. In addition, ACA compliant insurance has introduced consumer protections, such as prohibiting denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, for example. During your expatriation, understanding the implications of the ACA is essential to choosing compliant and advantageous health insurance while ensuring that you are well protected during your stay in the United States. The ACA has also created insurance marketplaces where individuals can compare plans. In this way, they can take out health cover that meets their specific needs.

Healthcare facilities in the United States

Healthcare facilities in the United States are renowned for their quality. However, there is a wide disparity between public and private care facilities. Private hospitals are often better equipped and offer more luxurious services. They can therefore be extremely costly. Public hospitals, on the other hand, although more affordable (although still very expensive), may have longer waiting times and less modern infrastructures. Care prices also vary considerably from state to state. Indeed, some are notorious for their exorbitant healthcare costs.

The quality of medical centers is generally high, with world-renowned establishments. However, access and cost can be major obstacles for expatriates. Mondassur can help you take out the right health insurance to guarantee fast, effective treatment without breaking the bank. So you can enjoy your expatriation with complete peace of mind, and even celebrate Halloween in one of the best countries in the world!

Emergency numbers in the USA

You need to know the emergency numbers in the United States:

  • 911 is the main number for medical, fire and police emergencies. This number can be reached anywhere in the United States, and should be used in the event of immediate danger.
  • Visit 1-800-222-1222 for poison control centers.
  • Le 311 for non-emergency municipal services in some large cities.

Having these numbers at hand can make a big difference in an emergency.

Healthcare costs in the United States

Healthcare costs in the United States are notoriously high. They also vary according to the type of care and region, and can be more expensive in New York or San Francico, USA. Here are a few examples of typical costs expatriates can expect:

  • A consultation with a general practitioner costs between $100 and $250 (€93 and €232). What’s more, a routine consultation may require a prescription for medication, increasing the total cost of care.
  • For medications costs vary depending on the drug, and can often be very high for specialized treatments.
  • hospitalization can cost between $5.000 and $30.000 (€4.500 and €28.000) per day, depending on the severity of the hospitalization.
  • For a birth, if you’re looking for a new home, you’ll need to budget between $10.000 and $30.000 (€9.300 and €28.000). This cost depends on the type of delivery (natural or Caesarean) and the possible complications.
  • Dental care can cost up to $2.000 (€1.860) for a dental crown, for example. What’s more, dental care is generally not covered by basic insurance and often requires additional coverage.
  • For optical optical care, the cost of glasses or contact lenses ranges from $100 to $500 (€93 to €465). The latter are also not covered with bases.

Mondassur recommends that you take out expatriate health insurance in the United States to avoid excessive healthcare costs.

Repatriation insurance for the USA

Repatriation insurance is an essential precaution for expatriates in the United States. In the event of serious illness or accident requiring you to return to your home country for treatment, repatriation insurance covers the cost of medical transport. Without this coverage, repatriation costs can be prohibitive. The latter can easily reach several tens of thousands of dollars. Repatriation insurance guarantees fast, safe treatment in a healthcare facility in your home country. However, it can include support services for family members. Opting for health insurance that includes repatriation is therefore a wise choice to protect yourself against the unexpected and ensure your peace of mind.

This information will help you understand the complex landscape of the American healthcare system. You’ll need to make the necessary decisions for the well-being of you and your family. At Mondassur, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to the specific needs of expatriates. As a result, you’ll benefit from optimum coverage, and be able to live your expatriation with peace of mind.

Choose Mondassur for your expatriate health insurance in the USA!

Why take out expatriate insurance?

Health insurance for expats in the United States is essential for anyone planning to live there. The American healthcare system, while renowned for its quality, is also one of the most expensive in the world. Without adequate insurance, even basic health care can entail considerable expense. Expatriate health insurance covers not only medical consultations, hospitalization and emergency care. However, it does offer peace of mind in the event of unforeseen situations. What’s more, with the right coverage, you’ll have access to a network of quality healthcare providers. So you can be sure of fast, effective care in the United States. In short, taking out expatriate insurance is a vital step towards protecting yourself against high medical costs and ensuring a worry-free expatriation.

The United States, like any other country, has its share of illnesses and infections that expatriates need to be aware of. Here is an overview of the main diseases and recommended preventive measures:

  • The seasonal flu (influenza) is common in the United States, especially in autumn and winter. It can cause severe symptoms in some people, particularly young children, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions.
  • The lyme disease is transmitted by ticks, it is most common in wooded areas of the Northeast, Midwest and Pacific coast.
  • The vector-borne diseases (such as West Nile virus) are transmitted by transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause serious illness, although most infections are asymptomatic.

Quick and easy subscription

At Mondassur, we understand the importance of facilitating administrative procedures for our expatriate customers. That’s why we’ve simplified the underwriting process. It’s fast and accessible to all. In just a few simple steps, you can obtain comprehensive healthcare coverage tailored to your specific needs. Our dedicated team of brokers is on hand to guide you every step of the way. They are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, to answer your questions and help you choose the plan best suited to your situation. With Mondassur, taking out expatriate health insurance is quick and hassle-free. This way, you can concentrate on your new life in the United States with complete peace of mind.

A wide choice of warranties

Mondassur offers a wide range of coverage to meet the varied needs of expatriates in the United States. Our health insurance plans include cover for medical consultations, hospitalization, emergency care and medication, as well as options for dental and optical care. We also offer specific guarantees such as contingency, civil liability and wellness insurance. Each plan can be customized to perfectly fit your situation and budget. When you choose Mondassur, you benefit from comprehensive protection and quality customer service. Treat yourself to the luxury of expatriation with Mondassur!

Other insurance for the USA

If you want to go to the United States without expatriation, other options are available at Mondassur :

To get a better view of our offers, including health insurance in the USA, visit our dedicated page. At Mondassur, we are committed to providing you with the best possible coverage to ensure your safety and peace of mind during your stay in the United States.

Find out more about health insurance in the USA

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