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Why insure myself abroad?

Medical costs abroad are often much higher than in France, and social security doesn’t cover you everywhere.When you travel, study, live or work abroad, it’s essential to be insured for a variety of reasons: Financial risk Les coûts de santé sont très variables d’un pays à l’autre et ils peuvent être très élevés dans certains

Why insure myself abroad? Lire la suite

The Obamacare law under Trump

Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump pronounced that he would implement fundamental changes to the American health insurance system. What is the Obamacare Act? The Obamacare law or Affordable Care Act -ACAchampioned and signed into law by Barack Obama, made health insurance compulsory for all Americans, with a few exceptions. Beneficial for some, the law

The Obamacare law under Trump Lire la suite

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