Getting vaccinated against Covid-19: your insurance abroad

The Covid-19 vaccine acts as health insurance abroad and in your country of residence. This can prevent you from becoming very ill or even suffering a fatal outcome. Mondassur offers a range of international health insurance plans. If you are an expatriate abroad and have expatriate insurance with Mondassur, we will cover the Covid-19 vaccine. In some countries, vaccination is free.

Which vaccines can I have?

It depends on your country. Examples: In France, vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca are licensed. In the United States, 3 vaccines are licensed by the FDA: Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

How many doses do I need?

A dose for Johnson & Johnson. Two doses for Pfizer and Moderna. The period between the 2 doses is 21 days for the Pfizer vaccine and 28 days for the Moderna.

How can French nationals abroad be vaccinated?

French nationals living abroad who return to France for stays or summer vacations can be vaccinated in France. Negotiations are underway with local authorities in countries that do not offer large-scale vaccination campaigns to deliver the first doses in early May.

Are Covid-19 vaccines effective?

Yes, of course they’re effective. The benefits must be weighed against the risks or side effects of vaccines. The balance is clearly in favor of vaccination. Efficacy is optimal after 2 weeks for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and after 28 days for Johnson & Johnson. Do not exceed 6 weeks between the 2 doses, otherwise you will have to start all over again. It’s best to stick to the times indicated, with a lead time of plus or minus 4 days.

What are the side effects of Covid-19 vaccines?

Like all vaccines, there can be side effects, which are proof that your immune system has kicked in and that you’re protected. These effects may appear after the 1st or 2nd day of injection. They can last from 1 to 2 days and are more common in people under 55-60.

How much does the Covid-19 vaccine cost?

It’s free in many countries, including France, most of Europe, Israel and the USA. In other countries, a fee may be charged for the vaccine. If you have international health insurance such as GoldExpat, you may be reimbursed for the vaccine.

Can everyone be vaccinated against Covid-19?

There are priority groups, such as nursing staff, people over 75 or people with pathologies that could lead to complications if they are infected with Covid-19. Everyone can be vaccinated, but tests have not been fully carried out on certain groups.
Children under 16 should not be vaccinated yet, as not all results have been analyzed. Pregnant or breast-feeding women can be vaccinated a priori, but it is preferable to consult a physician beforehand, as our knowledge is still incomplete. Infected people should wait until the end of their infection to be vaccinated.

Where can I get vaccinated?

There are many vaccination centers. Dose distribution and injection logistics differ. It relies on “vaccinodromes” in many countries, and the use of the skills of doctors, hospitals, medical centers, veterinarians, pharmacists, etc. All you need to do is contact the health agency in your state/country, or use appointment booking apps. The formula varies from country to country, depending on how far vaccination has progressed.

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