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Mondassur opinion

Thank you for your review of Mondassur!

Thank you for taking 2 minutes of your time to leave a review on Mondassur. The vast majority of these reviews testify to the professionalism and responsiveness of our team and the quality of our services. You can find these reviews on Google. Here are a few examples of Mondassur customer testimonials:

“I’ve just purchased their medical insurance for my move to France next month. To date – the team has been professional, friendly – and their English is amazing! Customer service at its best – understanding my requirements and helping me with my visa process. Best rates too “

“They are very customer focused, it only took me 3 hours to choose the most suitable option on a site until I got the insurance certificate. I would recommend this insurance provider to anyone who needs excellent service.”

“Excellent communication, a real plus when you live on the other side of the world.”

Thank you very much for your confidence!

What is a customer review?

A customer review is feedback received from a customer to assess his or her satisfaction with a product, service or point of sale.
You’ll find several forms of notice:

  • Rating stars
  • Comments
  • Feedback on social networks
  • There is also an offline form with satisfaction surveys.

These evaluation systems can be combined.

Why leave a customer review?

Leaving a customer review has a double impact:

  • This practice allows everyone to have their say: give their point of view on the service or product, talk about their experience with the company. It provides information to other buyers in the customer service department, while helping to improve the service or product if necessary.
  • Also to motivate the team. Positive reviews are always a source of motivation for the team, as they recognize our work and commitment.

A question worth asking: should we believe the opinions we read on the Internet? Many people take into account the opinions left by certain Internet users when making a choice: for a purchase, for booking a restaurant, for registering at a driving school, for going on vacation…

Fraudulent practices concerning online reviews

The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) reports on illegal practices concerning online reviews:

  • Negative reviews are removed in whole or in part
  • Positive reviews are published much more quickly than negative ones
  • Fake reviews written by professionals

An increasingly widespread practice is that of fake reviews. These include :

  • False opinions, which may be positive opinions posted by the professional, those around him or her, or by a specialized (communications) agency.
  • Negative reviews written by competitors or other malicious parties

How can you spot fake reviews on the Internet?

A company’s image is closely linked to its e-reputation, particularly through customer reviews. Nevertheless, some use it to damage the reputation of their competitors, and others to artificially enhance their image.
There are many different types of fake reviews that can damage a company’s reputation. Here are a few tips to help you distinguish the true from the false, bearing in mind that these are only indicators and that it’s always difficult to distinguish precisely:

  • Short reviews, with no explanation of the customer experience
  • Reviews published over a short period of time, whereas previous publications were more widely spaced.
  • Similar reviews, published one after the other, with a similar turn of phrase. They are usually written by the same person
  • Too many” reviews written in a more “sustained” way than in real life. Indeed, real testimonials often contain spelling mistakes, crude and direct language, syntax errors… etc.
  • Competitor reviews, written in a disparaging tone and generally advertising another site
  • Anonymous reviews, especially if all “5-star” reviews on this site are published by anonymous authors or with a pseudonym.

How do you interpret customer reviews?

There are a number of tricks to interpreting customer reviews:

  • It’s impossible for a company to have 5 stars on all reviews – perfection doesn’t exist!
  • It’s normal to have negative reviews, because in general, those who leave reviews are dissatisfied for various reasons, often totally unrelated to the service or product delivered.
  • It may be a good idea to ask the company directly for an explanation of an opinion, so as to get both points of view.

In short, online reviews are increasingly consulted to recommend or not a service, a product… But it’s important to bear in mind that people are more motivated to leave a negative review. It’s also important to differentiate between the real and the fake, as false online reviews are common practice.

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