Finding work in India for your expatriation

India is one of the world’s oldest civilizations and one of the dream destinations for many expatriates. India attracts students and professionals from all over the world for its development and industrialization. There are many reasons why people want to move to India, and we can help you find the right job and visa to work there.

How can I find jobs in India?

  • Website
    To begin with, you can check job vacancies on the Internet to see which sectors are the most promising. Many job search sites will suggest India as a destination, and you’ll have access to job offers to see the profiles sought and salary offered. Don’t forget to activate job offers on your professional networks too.
  • Embassies and consulates
    Then you can go through our embassies and consulates. In fact, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up an employment service for French nationals looking for a job or internship in India.
  • Unsolicited applications
    Identify local companies that interest you, and don’t hesitate to send unsolicited applications. Make sure you can be reached for some time at the address you provide, as resumes are often kept for a long time.
  • Recruitment agencies
    If you don’t have a lot of time or find it difficult to get answers, you can also use recruitment agencies to help you with the search and recruitment process.
  • Networking
    So, to begin with, you’re naturally going to use the traditional channels mentioned above: browsing newspapers, exploring the Internet, sending your application directly to a company with a local subsidiary, contacting recruitment agencies. Indians also attach great importance to personal relationships. So try to use networking and interviews as much as possible. In any case, write a concise C.V. of about two pages, with a strong emphasis on your training. In India, degrees are important, and it’s customary to mention your specializations, and even the results you’ve achieved.

What sectors are recruiting in India?

If you want to work in India, the most dynamic sectors of the Indian economy are the automotive, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, nuclear, IT and textile industries.

Highly qualified expatriate technical and supervisory staff (sanitation, water treatment, etc.) are in great demand. Job opportunities for expatriates are also plentiful in the academic sector, particularly in language teaching.

The Indian market has a strong demand for highly qualified executives with technical expertise in the following sectors: advanced engineering, petrochemicals, energy, infrastructure and telecommunications. Young graduates with little experience have little chance of finding a job in India.

Visas and work permits in India

The requirements for obtaining a work visa are not particularly strict, but you can only work in India if you have one.
You need an “E” or “Employment” work visa for private-sector companies, and an “E” or “X” work visa for NGO staff.

You’ll need an employment contract and the involvement of your future employer to finalize your visa application. The visa is conditional on the amount of salary earned in India: foreigners must earn a minimum of €18,000 a year to obtain an employment visa. However, certain professions are exempt, such as French language teachers, translators, cooks and NGO staff.

The procedure may take some time. So don’t delay in submitting your application. You’ll also need to produce a series of official documents, such as an employment contract, a notarized financial guarantee, and a document describing the position to be filled.

Buying expatriate insurance for India

Before embarking on your project, find out more about India’s healthcare system, which varies enormously from region to region. To avoid any inconvenience, it is essential to take out international health insurance for India. Road accidents are very common in India, and can be very costly if you are not covered by expatriate insurance.

Working in India without a degree

Looking for a job in India without a diploma in your pocket will be complicated, and you risk finding yourself in a precarious situation that’s hard to manage without a family and contacts on the spot to help you manage day-to-day life, which Indians will have.

Before moving to India, we strongly advise you to complete your studies.

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