Going to the other side of the world for 1 year is a real adventure. But like all good things, the adventure comes at a price, and that price is often having to let go of your professional situation.
Whether you’re a student, an employee, or in the transition between the end of your studies and your professional life, the working vacation visa will literally mark a pause in your academic or professional career. From the moment you set foot on the soil of your host country, you will no longer be a student or an employee, but will have the status of a “PVTiste”, breaking away from the classic professional pattern.

This professional “break” puts a damper on many WHV applicants who, for fear of missing out on an open-ended contract or of no longer being of interest to recruiters on their return, prefer not to leave their home country. While these negative thoughts are sometimes true, there are fortunately many good reasons to spend 1 year on the other side of the world. Reasons that can interest recruiters, enrich your CV and are therefore worth mentioning. Here are five of them:
Going to the ends of the earth alone means taking a risk
The risk of failing and going home penniless, but also the risk of succeeding and achieving total fulfillment. What could be more attractive to a recruiter than a young graduate capable of taking calculated risks? Many professional fields are based on risk-taking. Isn’t marketing a positioning chosen by companies to reach as many consumers as possible? Aren’t the laws of the financial markets based on continuous risk-taking? People who know how to take risks are the ones who move forward and drive businesses forward. The PVTist profile may therefore be of interest to recruiters looking for enterprising people who know how to take real initiative.
1 year abroad means a new language on your CV
1 year means managing a budget
Unless you’re staying with your beloved aunt, or are Bill Gates’ grandson, you’re certainly not going to WHV abroad with unlimited finances. Some of you will even leave with the minimum amount of money required to survive before finding a job. And yet, you’ll need to last 1 year financially, whether in terms of accommodation, food, outings, transport, and all the wonderful ancillary expenses we don’t always think about. What better opportunity than WHV to test your ability to manage a budget? If you can last 1 year on a small or medium-sized budget, that’s a strong point to emphasize to recruiters on your return. Many management positions require you to manage a budget, which can sometimes vary.
Beautiful minds meet
You’ve certainly heard it many times during your studies: the most important thing is to build a network. You know, that trendy new word that has replaced the overly pejorative piston. On a more serious note, spending 1 year on the other side of the world gives you the opportunity to meet similar and sometimes complementary people with whom you may want to set up a business tomorrow! If you don’t have an entrepreneurial bent, you can still make some great encounters that will be useful in your future professional career.
Against a similar profile, how can you stand out from the crowd?
Let’s face it. Even if you’ve worked hard to earn your degrees, and your work experience is well worth the effort, chances are you’re not alone. Other people with similar backgrounds are bound to apply for the jobs you’re interested in, and you’ll need to know how to stand out from the crowd. A year abroad on your own can be a great asset in your pocket. Going to Asia alone can be very impressive for a recruiter. Better still, that same recruiter may also be a great admirer of this part of the world, which really increases your chances of success!
There you have it: 5 good reasons to go to WHV, and now all you have to do is take the plunge, just like Alex, who writes about his adventure on his blog WHV Japan! If you set off with these positive facts in mind, this experience can only be beneficial to you. See you soon on the other side of the world!
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