Foreign student insurance

Trend: student mobility

Globalization continues to redefine educational opportunities for young people around the world. Indeed, more and more students are deciding to study abroad. The idea is to follow their university curriculum, seek out new skills, and live personally and professionally enriching experiences abroad. This trend, which has been accelerating for several decades, shows no signs of slowing down. Indeed, recent political, economic and technological developments are further boosting international student mobility. So think about foreign student insurance : for safe travel abroad.

Foreign student insurance

The rise of expatriate students

According to the latest available data, the number of French expatriate students continues to grow. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates that over 150,000 young French people between the ages of 18 and 25 now live abroad. This represents an increase of over 14% since 2008. So why not try your hand at the international experience? You’ll be immersed in a multicultural environment, improve your language skills and discover new teaching methods. What’s more, you’ll increase your chances of finding an international job.

Going abroad for your studies has become a real asset on the job market. Indeed, companies will favor your profile if you know how to adapt to different cultural and professional environments. And if you’re thinking of embarking on an international adventure yourself, it’s essential to be well prepared for your departure. You can do this by taking out appropriate student abroad insurance.

Programs that facilitate the mobility of European students (Erasmus, etc.)

The European Union plays a key role in promoting student mobility through the Erasmus program. If you’re a student, Erasmus enables you to pursue part of your university course in another European country. At the same time, you can benefit from funding to pay for your studies. The program’s success is indisputable: over 10 million students have already benefited from it since its inception. In 2024, Spain, Germany and Italy will continue to be the most popular European destinations for students. France also attracts many foreign students.

UNESCO data show that 75% of European students on mobility programs choose a European destination. The main reasons for this are easy access to European universities, grants and cultural proximity. However, like many students, you can turn to destinations outside Europe. If you’re looking for new academic perspectives, you could look to the USA, Australia, Canada or Asia.

Whether you opt for a European destination or one further afield, don’t forget that foreign student insurance is essential. Get a free online quote for expatriation insurance tailored to your destination!

European and international horizons for student mobility

Erasmus is a flagship program in Europe. It inspires other countries around the world to invest in international mobility to attract foreign students. Japan, China, Brazil and the United States are increasingly active in setting up programs to attract foreign talent like you. These countries are looking to enrich their universities with cultural diversity and boost their local economies with young talent.

These non-European destinations offer you unique opportunities to discover other lifestyles, other educational systems, as well as varied professional opportunities. Canada, for example, is renowned for its quality of life and immigration prospects after graduation. The United States continues to attract thousands of students thanks to the academic excellence of its universities. As for Asia, particularly China and Singapore, it is becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, these countries are seen as a new study destination if you want to explore the economy of tomorrow.

Before you leave for these far-flung destinations, remember to take out a student abroad insurance policy that will cover you for the duration of your stay. Get your quote today and study with peace of mind!

Benefits of International Experience for Students

The benefits of studying abroad are numerous and well-documented. In addition to language learning, an international experience enables students to develop a better understanding of global issues,improve their intercultural skills, and acquire the open-mindedness essential in today’s professional world. Companies are actively seeking international profiles capable of adapting quickly to multicultural environments. This makes the expatriation experience all the more valuable for you.

In France, universities and grandes écoles now encourage students to spend at least one semester abroad. What’s more, some companies offer international internships, reinforcing the appeal of international mobility right from the start of one’s professional life.

To make the most of this experience, you need to prepare thoroughly, especially in terms of administration and finance. Good foreign student insurance is one of the pillars of a successful stay: get a free quote online.

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