Insurance WHV Taiwan

The Working Holiday Permit Visa (WHV ) in Taiwan is an agreement signed between Belgium, France and Canada to promote exchanges between the countries. It makes it easy to travel to Taiwan for up to 1 year. An insurance policy ( WHV ) is required for medical and repatriation coverage in Taiwan.

The Working Holiday Permit Visa (WHV) in Taiwan is an agreement signed between Belgium, France and Canada to promote exchanges between the countries. It makes it easy to travel to Taiwan for up to 1 year. An insurance policy ( WHV ) is required for medical and repatriation coverage in Taiwan.

Why visit WHV in Taiwan?

First of all, Taiwan is an attractive destination for young travelers, with a rich culture, delicious cuisine and incredible natural landscapes. In addition, Taiwan is considered a safe and welcoming destination for foreign travelers. Doing a WHV in Taiwan can be a unique opportunity to enjoy an intense travel experience and discover a new culture, while improving your English and developing your intercultural skills.

What are the requirements for applying to WHV Taiwan?

To apply to WHV Taiwan, you must meet the following requirements:

  • A valid French, Belgian or Canadian passport.
  • Be aged between 18 and 30 for France and Belgium, and between 18 and 35 for Canada at the time of application.
  • Have at least 2,500 euros or 2,500 Canadian dollars and be able to justify it.
  • Not have already benefited from the working vacation program with Taiwan.
  • Settle in Taiwan for a maximum of 90 days after obtaining a visa.

I’m French or Belgian: what documents do I need?

  • Passport: photocopy and original of passport valid for 15 months (for Belgians) after visa issue date.
  • Form to download from the Taiwanese Consulate website.
  • Insurance WHV Taiwan: provide proof that your insurance covers medical and hospital expenses and repatriation for the duration of your stay.
  • Criminal record translated into Chinese.
  • Medical certificate less than three months old.
  • Photocopy of family record book or copy of birth certificate.
  • Round-trip airline ticket or proof that you have the necessary resources to purchase it.
  • Attestation of bank funds, proving that you have at least 2,500 euros or 2,500 Canadian dollars via a bank statement, nominative bank attestation or an attestation drawn up with the notary in the case of cash possession.
  • 2 recent passport-size color photos (3.5 x 4.5 cm).

I’m Canadian: what documents do I need?

If you are Canadian, you will need to provide the same documents mentioned above. However, you will need to provide 2 additional documents:

  • A curriculum vitae.
  • A cover letter outlining your plans for Taiwan.

Why do I need insurance to obtain WHV Taiwan?

Health insurance is required to obtain the WHV Taiwan to cover medical and hospital expenses in the event of a medical emergency. This ensures that the holder of the WHV will not face significant costs in the event of illness or accident, and can help to ensure that the holder is able to provide for his or her own healthcare needs while abroad. Mondassur offers a range of insurance plans tailored to your stay in Taiwan.

What are the application procedures?

1. Complete the form dedicated to the Taiwan working vacation program

You can find the form on the Taiwanese government website.
Then click on the “(working holidays/youth mobility) Visa Applications” button.

→ Read the instructions carefully before filling in each field.
→ In the 種類 (Category) field, check the “停留簽證 (Visitor Visa)” box.
→ Please make regular backups
→ Please keep your “applicant number”.

2. Additional documents required for the file WHV

  • Printed, completed and signed application form for WHV Taiwan
  • Supporting documents
  • Your non-refundable payment of NT$3200 (approximately €74 or CAN$104)

3. Send your file to WHV Taiwan

France: Your application must be submitted in person to the consular service of the Taipei Representative Office in France
78 rue de l’université
75007 Paris.

Belgium: Please hand-deliver your application to the following address:
Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium
Boulevard du Régent 40
Bruxelles 1000

Canada: Your file must also be hand-delivered for Ottawa, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador to the following address:
Suite 1960,
45 O’Connor,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1P 1A4

For other provinces in Vancouver (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut), you do not have to give it in person.
TECO in Vancouver
Suite 2200
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7
Tel: 604-689-4111

For Toronto provinces, your application must be hand-delivered to the following address:
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Toronto
151 Yonge Street
Suite 501
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5C 2W7
Tel: 416.369.9030

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