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The golden visa in Europe

For most people, visa procedures are long and complicated. If you can afford it, the process can be much simpler… Since the economic crisis in Europe, the “golden visa” to Europe has been on sale to wealthy foreign nationals, especially Chinese.This residence permit allows them to come and go as they please in Europe. The […]

The golden visa in Europe Lire la suite

Tips on becoming a new expat

Expatriation is an important and often complex stage in a person’s life. Whether for professional or personal reasons, or both, moving abroad involves a great deal of preparation and adjustment. This article will guide you through the key steps to a successful expatriation, focusing on the importance of adequate health insurance, such as Mondassur medical

Tips on becoming a new expat Lire la suite

Which school should I choose for my children in London?

Avant votre emménagement à Londres, vous allez devoir faire des choix importants, comme le choix de votre assurance santé à Londres, le quartier où habiter ou l’école de vos enfants… Something to think about before you leave Le choix de l’école est toujours un des premiers sujets de préoccupation des familles expatriées lors de leur

Which school should I choose for my children in London? Lire la suite

Japan Insurance

Que vous ayez décidé de partir au Japon pour des raisons professionnelles, personnelles, pour un stage ou des vacances, pensez à bien souscrire une assurance voyage ou une assurance santé expatrié pour vous et votre famille. Vous éviterez ainsi les risques financiers, sanitaires, et juridiques qui surviendraient de manière inattendue. Dans votre choix d’assurance internationale,

Japan Insurance Lire la suite

Visa to study in France

Studying abroad can be one of the best decisions of your life. You’ll discover a new civilization, a new language and meet people from all over the world! You’re tempted to study in France, but the administrative formalities seem too daunting? Don’t panic, here are the key steps and a timetable for applying to university

Visa to study in France Lire la suite

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