Does your travel insurance cover H1N1?

You probably have questions about how your travel insurance covers you if you contract the influenza A virus before or during a trip abroad?

travel-insurance contract

Rest assured!

If you get sick before you leave, most of our travel insurance policies offer cancellation coverage and will compensate you if you can’t leave because of the flu. During your stay abroad, our travel insurance covers the medical expenses for your treatment. There are no specific exclusions related to H1N1. Reimbursement of medical expenses is done in exactly the same way as for other illnesses covered by your policy.

On the other hand, if you are in a country where you cannot be treated and your health condition worsens, most our contracts cover repatriation costs to a country where you can be taken care of as well as the cost of extending your stay in case of quarantine.

You can therefore leave reassured and insured with a good travel insurance!

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