Hong-Kong or Singapore

Expatriating to Hong Kong or Singapore?

These two Asian megacities are attracting more and more expatriates every year. But is one better than the other? It all depends on what you’re looking for and your situation. In both cases, be sure to take out medical cover. Mondassur offers expatriate health insurance perfectly tailored to your situation.insurance-hong-kong-singapore

Hong Kong: the ideal global city for employment

Hong Kong, meaning “Perfume Harbour”, has a total population of 7 million. As the world’s 3rd largest financial center, expatriates generally move to Hong Kong to further their careers. In addition, foreign companies based in Hong Kong contribute 34% of the city’s GDP.
In addition to its financial importance, Hong Kong is also a city rich in history and culture. It has been influenced by Chinese and British cultures, due to its colonial past. Today, it offers impressive culinary diversity, with local specialties such as dim sum and cha chaan teng, as well as high-quality international cuisines. Visitors can also explore iconic attractions such as Victoria Peak, Temple Street Night Market and Po Lin Buddhist Monastery. With its lively nightlife and numerous leisure activities, Hong Kong is a city that has it all.

Singapore: a city-state sought after by families

Singapore is an Asian city-state made up of a main island and 64 smaller islands, with a population of over 5 million. Almost 40% of its population is made up of expatriates, making it a very cosmopolitan city.
A green city with many parks and ponds, Singapore offers a pleasant living environment. Locals can stroll through the world-renowned Botanical Gardens, visit Merlion Park or relax in the Gardens by the Bay. Nature lovers can also explore the MacRitchie forest or the trails of the Bukit Timah nature reserve.
Singapore is also famous for its exceptional quality of life. The city is clean and well organized, with excellent air quality. It also boasts a world-class education system that promotes English-Mandarin bilingualism. Parents can rest assured that their children will receive a quality education.

How do healthcare systems work in Singapore and Hong Kong?

Singapore and Hong Kong offer similar healthcare systems. Both are very modern and efficient. However, there are a few differences to consider for an expatriate:
Accessibility and costs: Public healthcare in Singapore is free or inexpensive. In Hong Kong, they can be more expensive, and even more so in the private sector. That’s why it’s essential to take out expatriate insurance for Hong Kong.
Health insurance: We advise all expatriates in Singapore and Hong Kong to take out private health insurance. Although medical costs may be more affordable in Singapore, health insurance remains an essential investment, offering extensive coverage including routine care, hospitalization, third-party liability, overseas care, repatriation, and many other benefits.

– Waiting times: Waiting times for healthcare are generally shorter in Singapore than in Hong Kong, especially for specialized medical services.
Quality of healthcare: Both countries offer a high quality of healthcare, with highly qualified specialists and state-of-the-art equipment. However, Singapore is considered to have a more advanced healthcare system in terms of medical technology and innovation.

What are the average prices for medical care in Singapore and Hong Kong?

Prices for medical care in Singapore and Hong Kong vary according to the type of treatment, hospital and doctor. However, in general, medical care costs in Singapore are slightly higher than in Hong Kong. Here are some examples of average prices:

Consultation with a general practition er :
In Hong Kong: approx. 400 – 600 HKD (approx. 50 – 77 euros)
In Singapore: approx. 50 – 80 SGD (approx. 36 – 58 euros)

Specialist consultation:
In Hong Kong: approx. HKD 1,000 – 2,000 (approx. €129 – €258)
In Singapore: approx. 120 – 250 SGD (approx. 87 – 182 euros)

– Vaginal delivery:
In Hong Kong: approx. HKD 70,000 – 180,000 (approx. €9,000 – 23,000)
In Singapore: approx. SGD 8,000-20,000 (approx. €5,600-14,000)

Laser eye surgery:
In Hong Kong: approx. HKD 70,000 – 180,000 (approx. €9,000 – 23,000)
In Singapore: approx. SGD 4,000 – 8,000 (approx. €2,915 – €5,830)

As you can see, medical costs are very high in both cities, especially Hong Kong. That’s why it’s crucial to have medical coverage when moving to Singapore or Hong Kong. Mondassur can offer you a wide range of expatriate medical cover options to suit your needs.

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