
PVT Chile – Insurance

The PVT agreement between Chile and France came into force on November 1, 2015. French nationals can apply for a 12-month PVT. This visa cannot be renewed. The visa costs around €115 and takes 2 weeks to obtain. To obtain a PVT visa for Chile, you must take out PVT insurance. Conditions to be met […]

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PVT Uruguay – Insurance

South America is a popular destination for young people, and the PVT Uruguay – France has been signed! The President of the French Republic visited Uruguay and an agreement between France and Uruguay was signed on this occasion. Official confirmation of the signature came from the Uruguayan authorities. The President of Uruguay announced in an

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PVT Colombia – Insurance

“France bets on Colombia”. With these words, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos formalized the signing of a Working Holiday Program (WHP) agreement between France and Colombia. The PVT program will enable young French people to travel and work in Colombia for a year. Colombia is therefore the 11th country to

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