Health insurance in South Africa
Before you leave for South Africa, have you considered taking out international health insurance? Mondassur allows you to cover all your risks (emergencies, illness, repatriation...) by choosing a personalized international health insurance policy adapted to all your needs.

South Africa, while blessed with breathtaking scenery and immense cultural wealth, can present challenges when it comes to health. The protection offered by international health insurance is an essential investment to guarantee your peace of mind throughout your South African journey.
At Mondassur, we understand that each person’s medical coverage needs are unique. That’s why we offer a range of flexible, customized options designed to meet all your requirements. Whether you’re a thrill-seeking adventurer, an expatriate looking for long-term security, or an international student, we have the right international health insurance solution for you.
Student insurance South Africa
The insurance that covers your stay for your studies in South Africa.
- Worldwide coverage
- Maximum age: 35
- Covers emergencies and accidents
- Covers hospitalization and routine medical care
- Up to €250,000 per year
- Standard dental and optical expenses up to €550
- Contraception coverage + vaccines
- Maternity care
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Repatriation assistance
- Civil liability
- Individual protection
Expatriate insurance South Africa
Health insurance to cover your expatriation to South Africa.
- Worldwide coverage
- Minimum age: 14
- Maximum age: 65
- Covers hospitalization and routine medical care
- Up to €1,500,000 per year
- Maternity coverage up to €4,000
- Coverage of assisted reproduction up to €1,500
- Covers pre-existing conditions
- Coverage of pharmaceutical expenses up to €370
- Optional dental and optical care
- Maternity plus option
- Prevention and well-being as an option
- Optional repatriation assistance
- Optional third-party liability
Travel insurance South Africa
Health insurance to cover your trip to South Africa.
- Worldwide coverage
- Maximum age: 85
- Covers emergencies and accidents
- Up to €500,000 per trip
- Covers loss, theft or destruction of luggage
- Repatriation assistance
- Travel assistance
- Civil liability
Any questions? Need advice?
Information about health insurance in South Africa

Political system: Republic
Capital: Pretoria
Surface area: 1,219,912 Km²
Population: 57 million
Spoken languages : Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, northern sotho (Sepedi), sesotho, setswana, siSwati, tshivenda, xitsonga.
Currency: Rand
South Africa's healthcare system
South Africa’s healthcare system is divided into a government-funded public sector and a fast-growing private sector. Considered one of the world’s most dynamic healthcare markets, South Africa boasts 422 public and 203 private hospitals. A fast-growing medical devices market too. 9% of GDP is devoted to the health sector.
How does South Africa's healthcare system work?
South Africa has a mixed healthcare system. 80% of the population opt for public-sector care, as the costs are much lower than in the private sector. 40% of the Ministry of Health’s expenditure is incurred in the public sector, and the government is committed to implementing universal health coverage accessible to all citizens. Fees in this sector are very low indeed. They vary according to the patient’s salary and the number of medical staff in charge. The private sector is the best option for you, as it is more efficient, more technologically advanced and its clinics attract the best doctors in southern Africa.
As an expatriate, you are free to choose the insurance that will cover you once you are in France. There is no obligation to take out local South African insurance. You can also opt for private international insurance. If you are employed by a South African company, your company is under no obligation to fund local insurance.
What vaccinations should I have before moving to South Africa?
Before your move to South Africa, it’s very important to take stock of all the vaccinations you’ll need before you leave. In fact, the WHO, the National Travel Health Network and ourselves strongly recommend that you get vaccinated for :
- Hepatitis A and B
- Yellow fever
- Rabies and Tetanus
- Typhoid
- Cholera
What’s more, if your children are under a year old, they’ll need a measles vaccination. You should also ask your doctor to prescribe medication or antibiotics for illnesses you might catch in South Africa. Dengue fever and chikungunya are present in many African countries, so you may well contract one of these diseases during your stay in South Africa.
How can I consult a general practitioner or specialist in South Africa?
In South Africa, there are several options for consulting a doctor. On the one hand, you can contact them by phone and book a consultation; on the other hand, they make very few house calls, except in emergencies. In the public sector, consultations cost between 30 and 60 rand, equivalent to between 1.70 and 3.42 euros. In the private sector, the fees charged by doctors are much more expensive than those announced by the government. A visit to a general practitioner can cost 300 rands (around 17 euros) and 700 rands for a specialist (40 euros). A private doctor maytry to prescribe more medical procedures than you need, so don’t hesitate to negotiate the price of your consultation in advance.
Access to cell phones for the local population is growing exponentially. Equally important is the development of healthcare applications to overcome the crucial lack of access to care. These phone applications will enable you to consult doctors online, giving you easy access to a wide range of questions without spending hours in public hospital queues. For example, with these applications, you can locate the nearest medical center most suited to your needs, and identify counterfeit medicines. You’ll be able to get more regular follow-up if you’re undergoing medical treatment: simply send a message to your doctor, who will get back to you promptly, and you won’t need to book a consultation.
How do you care for your child in South Africa?
To book a consultation with a paediatrician in South Africa, you can use health apps or websites.
You can also get recommendations for pediatricians from other expatriates in South Africa, who you can contact through forums.
The cost of a consultation with a paediatrician averages between R500 and R1000, i.e. between €30 and €60.
Dental consultations in South Africa
In South Africa, the average cost of a dental consultation is between R300 and R500. Fees vary from firm to firm.
- The cost of a dental X-ray starts at R350.
- The average cost of a dental crown is R3000.
- A tooth extraction can cost around R350.
- The average cost of a dental implant is between R20,000 and R20,000.
- Traditional braces cost between R15500 and R31000. On top of this, there are additional upfront fees ranging from R10000 to R35000.
The emergency department in South Africa
The emergency number in South Africa is 107, and your call will be redirected to an emergency call center that brings together the fire department, the police and the ambulance service.
The 112 emergency number can be reached by calling from a cell phone. This is a second emergency number that also works in South Africa. It will transfer your line to a center that will connect you to the nearest emergency service.
To call an ambulance in South Africa, dial 10177. A service will take your call and dispatch an ambulance.
What are the top cities for medical treatment in South Africa?
Medical tourism is also practiced in South Africa, i.e. foreigners come to South Africa for treatment, demanding quality care. Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban are 4 major South African cities renowned for the quality of their medical treatment. Access to care is simpler, follow-up is more professional and healthcare staff are more qualified, with doctors recognized the world over. Hospitals are ultra-modern, with state-of-the-art technology.
Some examples of popular hospitals in South Africa
As an expatriate, you don’t know which hospital to go to for fear of receiving care that falls short of your expectations? Evaluated on the following criteria, here is a list of popular private hospitals ranked among the best in the country:
Criteria :
Clear information for patients
Efficiency of health personnel
Rate at which the hospital responds to patient requests
Patient well-being
Hospitals :
Ahmed Al-Kadi (Durban)
Busamed Hillcrest (Durban)
Busamed Gateway (Umhlanga)
Busamed Modderfontein (Johannesburg)
B. aardevlei (Cape Town)
Examples of average prices for medical care in private hospitals in South Africa
- Appendicitis surgery : R21360
Breast cancer treatment: R2769360
Average surgical service per day: R4025
Consultation with a gynaecologist: R1400
Pediatric service (for children under 12): R4825
Pregnancy and childbirth in South Africa
If you’re an expatriate and you’re pregnant in South Africa, your pregnancy can be managed in a hospital (we recommend private practice), by a gynecologist or obstetrician. To find the obstetrician or gynecologist who will follow you throughout your pregnancy, we recommend you contact other expatriates who have given birth in South Africa. They can give you contacts they trust completely.
Your choice of gynecologist or obstetrician will determine the hospital or clinic in which you give birth. If you prefer to choose the hospital where you want to give birth, you will automatically be affiliated with a doctor or gynecologist.
In South Africa, Caesarean sections are more common than natural childbirth, so you’ll almost certainly be offered a Caesarean section, and don’t hesitate to make it clear that you want to give birth naturally.
Examples of average maternity-related costs
- Examples of average maternity-related costs :
- Delivery (private hospital) : R14120
- Delivery (private) + 3-day hospital stay: R25000
- Caesarean section (public hospital) : R17815
- Caesarean section (private hospital) : R40000
Is it necessary to take out international health insurance for an expatriation to South Africa?
If you are planning to expatriate, or are thinking of expatriating to South Africa, it is essential to take out international health insurance. On the one hand, there is a huge price differential between the public and private healthcare sectors. In the public sector, the quality of care is poor, and waiting times for appointments are long and far apart. In the private sector, you’ll be treated by highly qualified doctors, with very short waiting times, and receive top-quality care. Taking out private international insurance will cover your expenses at unbeatable rates, and allow you to receive treatment in private facilities without breaking the bank.
Which private health insurance for South Africa and for whom?
Whatever your profile, taking out health insurance is highly recommended if you are planning to stay in or expatriate to South Africa.
- If you are planning to visit South Africa as a tourist, we recommend that you take out travel insurance to cover private-sector healthcare costs during your stay. We strongly advise against relying on the public sector if you need treatment, as waiting times and possible medical complications will ruin your vacation.
- Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a digital nomad or an expatriate employee, as soon as you obtain your work visa, it’s essential that you take out private international health insurance to ensure that you’re covered both in the private sector and abroad, and in the event of medical repatriation to another country, even if you have to undergo an operation that can’t be performed in South Africa.
- If you are a student and would like to spend a semester, an internship or part of your studies in South Africa, you must take out health insurance before you leave. A student health insurance plan like GoldStudent, with its 3 cover options, can be adapted to your profile and will enable you to benefit from private healthcare abroad and medical repatriation without breaking the bank.
Mondassur recommends that you take out GoldExpat private health insurance as soon as you leave for South Africa.
This insurance covers 100% of actual hospital costs. In order to access private sector care without incurring huge out-of-pocket expenses, it is imperative that your insurance covers you for 100% of your healthcare costs.
What’s more, up to 90% of your current medical expenses will be covered. Although local medicines are inexpensive, they are not necessarily 100% reliable, whereas imported medicines are much more expensive. It is strongly recommended that your insurance covers you for routine medical expenses.
GoldExpat guarantees repatriation cover in the event of serious hospitalization, such as the death of a family member. Your civil liability is also covered by GoldExpat.
Don’t waste any time, get a free quote on our website and/or contact us by e-mail or telephone for more precise information based on your situation.