How does international health insurance work?

You have just subscribed an expatriate insurance Mondassur or an insurance for student abroad, here is more information for :

  • s’organiser en cas d’urgence médicale
  • obtenir vos remboursements de soins de santé
  • contacter notre plateforme d’assistance

Quand dois-je me rendre aux urgences médicales ?

Not every medical situation requires you to go to the emergency room. You can also go to a doctor’s surgery the next day for a consultation. The following cases do not, a priori, require emergency medical intervention:

  • coups de soleil ou brûlures mineures,
  • morsures d’insectes sans autres signes cliniques,
  • coupures mineures,
  • rhumes, toux, maux de gorge,
  • fièvre sans convulsion pour un adulte,
  • démangeaisons,
  • MST

On the other hand, it is essential to go to the emergency room – which in some countries can also be a dedicated medical center – in these cases:

  • perte de conscience,
  • signes d’attaque cardiaques ou d’AVC incluant des paralysies de membres,
  • des blessures majeures à la tête par exemple,
  • hémorragie continue,
  • morsures d’animaux pouvant exiger une injection rapide contre la rage,
  • douleurs soudaines et importantes,
  • problèmes respiratoires, empoisonnement,
  • vomissements sanguins et si vous sentez que vous devez consulter en urgence.
  • Dans le cas de très jeunes enfants, il est également important d’anticiper certaines urgences comme des vomissements répétés liés à des difficultés respiratoires et la rapidité d’évolution des pathologies au plus jeune âge.

Comment obtenir une prise en charge hospitalière ?

If you need to go to the emergency department and you are not hospitalized, this is considered a medical consultation that may lead to medical examinations. If you need to be hospitalized, you need to contact our assistance platform so that we can put you in touch with the hospital where you are to manage your care. You will find the emergency contact number on your policyholder card.

Obtenir une attestation d’assurance, votre carte d’assuré, le détail de votre assurance

You have access to your online policyholder area with your policyholder number and a password that you will need to define when you log in for the first time. You can obtain a certificate of insurance, your insurance card or view your policy coverages. You’ll find all our contact details here, 24 hours a day.

Obtenir vos remboursements de dépenses médicales

You can request compensation for any treatment costing less than €500 by sending us the invoice and medical prescription for your treatment. You can also ask us to cover the cost of hospitalization, or to obtain prior approval for certain treatments such as dentures, or serial procedures such as physiotherapy sessions.

Comment contacter Mondassur ?

You have access to a 24-hour worldwide telephone assistance platform for all your emergency needs. Your safety around the world for your peace of mind is our priority. You can reach our advisors during office hours on the European continent, and they will be able to advise you on the best formula for you.

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