The desire to promote foreign investment and modernize the country’s infrastructure, coupled with its advantageous geographical location in terms of access to North America, make Costa Rica an ideal place to set up a business. If you’re thinking of moving to Costa Rica, don’t forget the important step of taking outinternational health insurance to cover all your medical expenses, so you can leave with peace of mind.

A wealth of natural resources
Costa Rica is a Central American country of almost 5 million inhabitants, bordered by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. Although the country is small, covering just 0.03% of the globe, it is home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity. Over 25% of the country is protected or conserved natural territory.
A growing company
The country is proud of its 190-year-long democratic tradition, and of having abolished the army half a century ago (1948). Today, money that could be spent on military purposes is invested in improving Costa Rican living standards, which has led to a culture of social peace that is very much in evidence in the country.
Strong economic potential
Costa Rica is also an attractive country for investment , with significant potential for the establishment of large multinational companies, thanks to the population’s academic level, which stands out from other countries in the region, as well as the high level of services and political and social stability.
Our advice to contractors
Awareness of time and cultural differences
In Costa Rica, time is short, and delays are common in both business and personal appointments. Just because an appointment is late, or even forgotten, doesn’t mean that the other person isn’t interested. Another important point to bear in mind: Costa Ricans don’t like confrontation and don’t know how to say “no”. So you need tobe diplomatic and learn to interpret responses.
Be patient with administrative procedures
In Costa Rica, the administrative procedures involved in obtaining a residence permit are cumbersome and time-consuming . It’s best to call on the services of a good law firm (with prior information) to ensure greater efficiency and rapidity.
Be supported by the CCIFCR
The CCI France-Costa Rica has a business support department that assists French companies and entrepreneurs wishing to try their luck in Costa Rica! The CCIFCR offers a range of services, including prospecting missions, market research, company domiciliation, recruitment assistance and, of course, its expertise, reliability and network to help you establish a long-term presence in the country.