Student Insurance Canada

You're going to study in Canada and need to take out student insurance. Medical costs in Canada are very high, and it's essential to have medical insurance that covers you both in Canada and when you travel to and from your home country.

Assurance sante canada

Are you planning to study or do an internship in Canada? In this case, be sure to take out a Canada student insurance policy tailored to your needs. Medical expenses in Canada can be very high, and adequate insurance will enable you to enjoy your stay with peace of mind. In fact, some universities, such as McGill, require international students to take out private insurance or register with the Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ), which means giving up their home country’s health insurance coverage. Our insurance policies for international students cover a range of needs, including emergency care, routine medical treatment, sickness care and hospitalization.

Student Insurance Canada Student Backup

Cost-effective international health insurance for emergencies.



/ month

Student Insurance Canada Student Budget

Health insurance with a good cover/price ratio.



/ month

Student Insurance Canada Student Global

Our most comprehensive international health insurance.



/ month

Any questions? Need advice?

How do I choose student insurance for Canada?

What's the best choice between RAMQ and private health insurance?

Neither solution is really satisfactory, since you may be covered in Canada, but not at 100% for these 2 options. If you choose only RAMQ or Quebec private insurance, you are not covered when you travel outside Canada (except for certain universities for emergencies if your trip lasts less than 4 weeks) and you are not covered when you return to your country of origin. Given the incomplete coverage provided by private insurance offered by Quebec universities such as McGill, we advise you to opt for RAMQ, if your country has signed an agreement, and also choose an international student insurance plan such as Gold Student. You’ll be insured worldwide for all your stays, including in your home country, and can obtain additional reimbursements from the RAMQ.

What does RAMQ cover?

RAMQ reimbursements are often limited to 70% and to the conventional rates established by RAMQ, and do not cover you in private hospitals in Canada. If you travel outside Canada, Ramq may cover you in certain countries for emergencies and for a limited period, but this should be studied carefully depending on the length of your stay, destination, purpose…

How do I choose my student insurance in Quebec?

Choosing only RAMQ is not enough, and taking out private insurance from a Quebec university won’t fully cover you either. We therefore advise you to take out international student insurance. As you will no longer have any links with your home country, it is essential that this insurance covers you from the 1st dollar spent. Ideally, health insurance should complement your RAMQ reimbursements, so that you can benefit from the easy access offered by the RAMQ card while still being fully covered.

How much does international student insurance cost in Canada?

The price varies widely according to the level of cover offered by the insurance company. For a sufficient level of cover, allowing you to be covered worldwide at a very good level, you should expect to pay between 50 and 100 euros/month. Mondassur international student insurance offers excellent value for money. Get a free quote for student insurance in Canada.

What are the advantages of international student insurance?

It’s the guarantee of uninterrupted worldwide coverage and, in particular, of the following advantages if you choose an international insurance policy like GoldStudent :

  • coverage in public and private facilities
  • choice of doctors and hospitals
  • worldwide coverage: in addition to Canada, if you travel to the USA, Cuba, Latin America or Asia, you will be covered for
  • coverage in your home country
  • coverage against epidemics such as Covid-19 (please check with your insurance provider)
  • coverage of 100% of actual hospital costs and 80% or 90% of routine medical expenses
  • coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • coverage for preventive care, not just curative care, and routine care
  • coverage for emergency dental care
  • repatriation at actual cost

How do I apply for RAMQ membership?

  • You can apply by mail:
  • Download the RAMQ registration form
  • Fill in, print and sign the form
  • Enclose the required documents (copy of passport, copy of certificate of studies from Canadian institution and proof of social security coverage).
  • Mail to the address indicated on the form:

Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
C. P. 6600, succ. Terminus
Quebec City G1K 7T3

Can I work as a student in Canada?

Yes, you can work as an international student in Canada, but there are specific rules to follow. From April 30, 2024, you can work up to 20 hours a week off-campus during class periods. This limit will be increased to 24 hours a week from September 2024. During school vacations and summer breaks, there’s no limit to the number of hours you can work.

Working while studying offers significant financial benefits, helping to cover your living and study costs. However, it’s crucial to consider the potential impact on your studies. Research in Canada and the USA has shown that working more than 24 hours a week can significantly reduce academic performance and increase the likelihood of dropping out of school. So it’s important to find a balance between work and study to maximize both your academic success and your life experience in Canada.

In addition to managing your student finances and living expenses, it’s also essential to take out student health insurance. Medical costs in Canada can be high, and having good health coverage can save you a lot of money in the event of a medical need. Make sure you choose insurance that covers the needs of international students, offering comprehensive protection throughout your stay in Canada.

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