Stress-free back-to-school

All good things must come to an end… September, the month that heralds the start of the new school year and the return to work, has just begun. As “back to work” is sometimes equated with “stressful” or “depressed”, here are a few tips to help you tackle this month with peace of mind.


Keeping a positive outlook

Take a deep breath, and think of all the great things that happened to us over the vacations. It’s important to keep things in perspective! Sure, you’re going to miss the beach and barbecues, but it’s also nice to be home again. You’re rested, relaxed and, deep down, well prepared to face back to school.

Nos conseils pour la rentrée scolaire

  • Se remettre dans le rythme : se coucher plus tôt pour pouvoir se lever plus tôt
  • Prendre ses repas à heures régulières
  • Porter des vêtements qu’on aime pour marquer l’occasion
  • Reprendre une activité physique
  • Garder du temps pour se faire plaisir
  • Célébrer le début d’une nouvelle année scolaire. Après tout, l’école est un lieu de plaisir!

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Getting ready to go back to work

You need to gradually… To avoid running around and creating unnecessary stress, think of all the things you have to do and write them down in a notebook, diary or “to-do list”. This will give you a clearer picture of all your personal and professional obligations.

Préparer son retour au travail

Most vacations are well prepared in advance. As with vacations, the return to the office must be anticipated. It’s important to anticipate the pace of work (wake-up time, daily commute, etc.).

Une reprise du travail en douceur

  • Choisissez de revenir de vos vacances en pleine semaine. L’approche du week-end est une source de motivation
  • Réduisez le plus possible les réunions pour les premiers jours
  • Traitez vos mails en commençant par les plus importants

Gérer son stress et son temps

You’ll have to prioritize. You won’t be able to do everything on your first day at the office. You’ll need to get back into the swing of things slowly, finding your bearings and your habits. Reorganize your task schedule, prioritizing more important tasks over less important ones.

Retrouver ses collègues et camarades

After enjoying your vacations, the start of the new year also means reunions with colleagues and classmates. Time to debrief your respective vacations, or simply to get together outside the workplace or classroom. The most important thing is to have a good time and to make the most of our relationship with each other.

Making good resolutions

Also remember to take time for yourself. When you’re in a rush, sport will help you keep your head down and relieve any pressure you may be building up at work or in your personal life. It’s also the ideal time to rebalance your private and professional life, to pay attention to your diet…

Continue vacation habits

Take your time! Just because you’re back in your day-to-day life doesn’t mean you have to let yourself get carried away by living life at 100 km/hour. Try to set aside an hour a day to spend with your family, read, cook… whatever relaxes you or excites you!

Préparer ses prochaines vacances

Here are our tips for a smooth recovery. Of course, these tips are valid all year round… and don’t hesitate to go abroad, to make one or more cuts throughout the year, thanks to our annual travel insurance!

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